Fredericksburg Theatre Ensemble is a 501c3 non-profit that took to the stage in the spring of 2011 reveling in guilty laughs and celebrating the art of the uncomfortable through quality theatre productions. We are based out of the Allstate Community Theater of Fredericksburg, which is managed and operated by Stage Door Productions. Located right in the heart of downtown Fredericksburg, this performing arts venue is not only home to FTE productions but also a stage for live music, karaoke nights, private events, and theatrical productions from other area theatre organizations. We also work with outdoor venues in the area, most recently Historic Kenmore’s Shakespeare on the Lawn and Mountain Run Winery, bringing our quirky group of loveable weirdos out into the open for all to enjoy!
We welcome everyone to join our creative chaos. Actors. Directors. Set Designers. Crew members. Donors. Playwrights. House Managers. Production Volunteers. Everyone is welcome whether it’s their first production or their 100th.